Millions of people have experienced a trauma in their life. I'm a believer that most humans have experienced a traumatic event. The severity of trauma is a spectrum and the experience can be deeply distressing or disturbing. As a result, your body and mind respond in a way that impacts your ability to cope.
Traumatic experiences can cause a range of different feelings, such as helplessness or numbness. It can diminish your sense of self or leave you feeling completely disconnected, and it can completely alter your sense of security. We may also have memories, flashbacks, anxiety, or upsetting emotions as a result of this as well.
The more commonly recognized traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety. However, it is important to know that any situation that leaves you feeling overwhelmed or alone can result in trauma. Trauma does not have to be physical to feel its impact. Trauma is defined not by the situation itself, but by your emotional reaction to the event.The more scared and helpless you feel during an experience, the more likely you will be traumatized.
We all react to trauma in different ways. You may experience some of these, but you do not have to experience all of them.
Emotional & psychological symptoms:
Shock, denial, or disbelief
Confusion, difficulty concentrating
Anger, irritability, mood swings
Anxiety and fear
Guilt, shame, self-blame
Withdrawing from others
Feeling sad or hopeless
Feeling disconnected or numb
Insomnia or nightmares
Being startled easily
Difficulty concentrating
Racing heartbeat
Edginess and agitation
Aches and pains
Muscle tension
Whatever the cause of your trauma, and no matter how long ago it occurred, therapy can help you to heal and to move on with your life.